It is one of the 3 macronutrients. Its function within the body is to structure, create tissues, hormones, enzymes, neurotransmitters. With proteins, muscles are built, that is, muscle tissue, hormones, enzymes that help you digest food. So it is not that you consume protein only to build muscle, understand that it will help you build cartilage, eggs, skin. It also serves as a secondary energy source when carbohydrates are not present, that is, the body uses protein as an energy source which is not ideal because it robs protein from the muscles, and they do not grow or get stronger. Ideally, each macronutrient fulfills its function. Carbohydrate is energetic and protein is structural.

Like carbohydrates, each gram has 4 calories. Not all proteins are the same. There are some better than others. there is something called biological value and it is the one that measures which one is better. This is nothing more than a value that is assigned to each protein source, so the higher its value, the more essential amino acids it contains and its absorption is much more efficient. Imagine a wall built of bricks, the wall is the protein and the bricks are the amino acids, that is, these make up the protein and we have 20 amino acids and 8 are essential that the body does not produce, you have to get it from the diet.

The proteins with the highest biological value are animal proteins. Animal proteins have fewer aminos. They are not complete for the most part. That is why they are lower in the ranking. It is not that they are bad, you can be vegan and cover your protein needs, but you must be more careful. The best sources of good protein is whey protein. Protein in supplement, the egg, the whites, the chicken, the pork loin, meat, breast, turkey. Pea protein supplement is very good vegan.

Ideally, there should be variety because each one brings benefits.

Protein has many benefits, it helps control appetite, digestion is slower and that's why you feel full for longer. This does not raise much insulin that when it is very high the body does not burn fat. even when you accompany your carbohydrates with protein because this makes it digest slower. It raises dopamine which is a neurotransmitter that makes you feel very good, vital, it also helps you preserve muscle mass, if you are looking to increase muscle mass it is essential that you consume protein as well as if you want to lose fat because protein consumption will help you preserve muscle and increase metabolism, helps you keep your appetite controlled.

There is a myth that eating a lot of protein is bad, but it is a myth. Unless you have kidney problems.

How much protein should you consume?  the minimum Someone sedentary eg. is from 0.8 to 1 gr per kg and who exercises from 2 to 3 per kg. That is, if you weigh 50 kg and I tell you that at least 1 g per kg, then it is 50 g of protein per day and here comes the confusion of many. It's not 50 grams of chicken. It is the protein in the food. In 100 grams of chicken there are 30 grams of protein. In a shake 24 gr, 4 egg whites there are 15 gr of protein. Those are the gr that counts. But you don't have to add and subtract. Make this a lifestyle and control portions. I recommend that you make 3 or 4 meals. Of at least 20 gr. Max 40. Or use your hand is the amount that fits in the palm of your hand in a meal. It is important that you consume protein and especially if you exercise because when you exercise there are micro tears and then to recover it is essential. The vegans. They have a more difficult job. Mix rice with beans. Oatmeal with nuts or seeds. Consume Vita b12, iron, that will help you have stable nitrogen levels during the day. Spirulina that has all the amino acids, protein powder made from peas. I don't recommend a lot of soy.