It does not matter if you travel for pleasure or business, the experience of traveling is incredible. Not only because you discover different cultures, try new things, explore and live adventures worth reporting, but traveling also becomes an exercise in personal reflection that gives you new meanings in your life. But traveling has a big drawback: it doesn't help you eat healthy. Airports, hotel breakfasts, restaurant outings, and airline food only make it more difficult. Besides, who wants to eat healthy on vacation?… Usually when you travel you also want to enjoy yourself. But trust me, eating healthy doesn't mean having a bad time. I give you my tips
It's a balance that's what it's all about, enjoy your trip.

  1. Don't be so strict. That 60% be healthy food and the other 40 tastes. It's okay to enjoy yourself, but it's also okay to take care of yourself.

2- Plan in advance when to eat healthy, If you know you have a big dinner planned, eat something light. Plan your day, you will see that you will enjoy your meals more without regrets. For example: My breakfasts and lunches will be healthy food, but at dinner I can order dessert.

3- After an unhealthy meal, a healthy one follows. There is nothing wrong with enjoying your meals. But, you can't let this get out of hand. Many times when we want to eat healthy and fail, the “all or nothing” mentality appears and we continue with the unhealthy streak all day even the whole trip. Don't let this happen and better make a promise to yourself: “If I eat something unhealthy, my next meal has to be a little healthier. If you already had a mountain of pancakes with syrup for breakfast, the rest of your meals can be light. If you ordered a chocolate ice cream in the afternoon, choose something healthier for dinner. If you couldn't resist that strawberry daiquiri, then drink water for the rest of the day. You will see that you feel better and with more energy not only during your trip but also when you return.
4- Drink enough water and infusions. It is important to hydrate the body
5- Include in each of your meals vegetables and vegetables in any presentation: soup, salad, steamed, grilled or baked. That will help you to be more satisfied and with less they will also give you energy. A hamburger with fries is not the same as a salad. if each plate you serve yourself has half as many vegetables, you will feel satisfied with less food,
7 = Do not skip any meal: This helps you not suddenly feel very hungry and eat on impulse. That can throw your body out of control.
Have snacks, fruits, nuts, protein bars on hand. Cut vegetables (carrots, cucumbers and peppers). Hummus. Canned tuna. Whole meal bread
Stay active as much as possible.
You will return to the house without remorse.