DO YOU WANT TO LOSE 10 KILOS? if it's good, you can lose them, in fact 15 or 20. I can guide you in fact with an eating plan and exercises you will achieve it. but I want you to understand something, it is not about changing only the body, change your mentality and everything begins to flow. Adopt habits, improve your relationship with food, use physical activity as a tool to gain energy.

As I tell you, if your focus is only to lose those kilos, you will achieve it, the problem is that if you do not adopt the habits when you meet the goal of losing that weight, then you will recover that weight. Do not get obsessed with the weight on the scale and therefore a strict diet, or diet pills, what comes easy goes easy. Get obsessed with finding a balance having a healthy life while enjoying yourself.

So I invite you to love your weight loss process, eat healthy, incorporate vegetables, fruits, natural food, eggs, chicken, fish, avocado. Provide your body with essential nutrients for the optimal functioning of the body which leads to harmony, your body and your health will thank you in the long term. Consistency is the key, be disciplined, you don't have to go to a gym for 2 hours, practice the sport you like, get up early and go for a walk, use the stairs instead of the elevator.
Make up your mind and do it, nothing takes longer to arrive than what doesn't start And if you're not willing to start, you don't know what it means to win.