Are you hungry between meals?

Are you hungry between meals?

What you should eat and what you should not eat
you can eat:
- something sweet: skim yogurt or if it is Greek, it is better that it has more protein Greek yogurt (without sugar) with a teaspoon of honey and provides more satiety, dark chocolate 70% cocoa, nuts, fruit that is the dessert of the nature, you can opt for a protein shake, with almond milk, the measure of protein and if you want. you can add a tablespoon of peanut butter to make it thicker.

-Something salty: Iberian ham with olives or slices of turkey, not sausage but cooked turkey with cucumber, spinach and mustard... a brown rice cracker with a spoonful of peanut butter and apple pieces. lightly salted popcorn. Hummus with vegetable sticks like carrot or celery. toast with nuts and cottage cheese, or with peanut butter and fruit.
You can also opt for a slice of 100% wholemeal bread (which is based on wholemeal flour or oatmeal) or a puffed rice cake, with a little avocado with pink salt and a boiled egg. This snack has all three essential macronutrients and is perfect if you're really hungry.

If you're hungry, don't eat just to eat. choose nutritious options.
Do not eat cookies, protein bars unless you choose a very. Therefore, a donut, a granola bar or a bag of chips will not harm you today, but if that decision is repeated over time, the repercussions on your weight appear. high-sugar processed snacks will give you a quick energy boost, but you'll feel more tired and hungrier 1-2 hours later. and in the long term they can affect your weight and health.